In Deuteronomy, as in Exodus, the writer gives us a lot of preliminary material before he gets to the actual “rules and regulations” of the law. What is there in this preliminary material you find particularly, interesting, important, or worth discussing in class? In what way does this material show Deuteronomy to be a particularly fine law code or something more than just a law code?
Before the 10 Commandments even come to mention in Deuteronomy, there is a section on idolatry (Deut. 4:15-31) Moses refers to the time that they disobeyed God by making a golden calf and worshiping it.
I think it was VERY important for the Israelites to understand how important it was for them not to worship an idol. God points it out again and again. Once they start worshiping an idol, they start creating their own laws, deciding for themselves what is right and wrong and lose trust in God.
I find it interesting how they could turn away from this and disobey God.
I think this is a good example of law code because it gives examples of what they have done in the past to learn what to do right. It shows where authority comes from: God. It also shows how punishment is given if these laws are not obeyed.
The verses that seem to me to be the most important is Deuteronomy 6:4-9, where it states that a person should love the Lord with all your heart, soul, and might, and to remember the law by heart. To remember it by heart, God commands them to post the law everywhere so the people don't forget. These verses are important in that they are "The Great Commandment" to glorify God in everything a person does and remember the law and the Commandments.
The part i found interesting in Deuteronomy is the line, "I set before you here, this day, a blessing and a curse; a blessing for obeying the commendments of hte Lord, your God. . .a curse if you do not obey the commandments of the Lord, your God." I find this to be a bit of a warning. God is telling the Hebrews that if they do not obey his commandments they will be punished, hence the curse. However, they will be rewarded for obeying his laws. This statement can also apply to Christians, not just the Hebrews, since both groups believe in the same God. However, trying to follow God's law can be a curse in this world. People may ridicule those who try to follow His commandments. However, there is a blessing, after death, in following His laws here on earth. But, it seems to me, if you read between the lines, that following God's law will be a blessing and a curse in this world and the in the next; it's just which do you care about most: what happens in this life, or the mext life?
what i find interesting is what God says in Dueteronomy 9:1-6 as they cross the Jordan God told them that they are not the strong ones in this reigon and that he is going to destroy them before the Isrealites come. The reason isn't becuase of the isrealites righteousness but because of their enemies wickedness. this is important because God is telling them that if they are wicked he could destory the isrealites much quicker then the much stronger Anakites. So for this they should be greatfull for what they are about to receive.
It was really stressed throughout the early Chapters that there is one God. He made many statements that they shall not worship any other idols. I like the Deuteronomy 4:32-40 where He makes it clear how powerful He is. How He saved them from Egypt and how He has saved them from nations more powerful than them. I think the reason for all this stress on have one almight God, is the neighboring countries with many gods. With everything on earth being a god, God wanted to make it clear that He is who He is and there is only one.
The Part of Deuteronomy I thought was interesting was the repeating of the Ten Commandments in chapters 5 and 6. which can also be found in Exodus chapter 20. Not only is God, through Moses, stressing the importance once again of knowing and following these rules, but also He seems to put a lot of emphasis on the importance of teaching these laws and passing them on to their childeren and others.
In the book of deuteronomy i will have to agree with troy in chapter 9 1-6. On how they crossed the Jordan and are free, to an extent, but are basically homeless. And its not because of their righteousness that the lord is taking out the Anakites, but because of their wickedness, so god is saying that do not become wicked or I will do the same to you. But also in chapter 9 7-21 where they have been on their own for 40 days because moses was up on the mountain obtaining the 10 commandments and his people were already corrupted, and moses broke the golden calf and tablets of stone to show what can be done to them.
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